our story

  Thriving Transmen of Color is a grassroots nonprofit organization that provides community development programs, crisis invention, siblingship, referrals, and networking opportunities to those who have been deprived of the most basic living conditions. We impact community lives so they can continue to flourish past racial and societal equities to rise past the harshest circumstances of their lives.

 Thriving Transmen of Color also known as TTMOC current leadership is completely composed of black and brown trans people (Binary and nonbinary) but we support any individuals in need based on need and availability at the. We encourage partnerships with other organizations and corporations who support our mission and equality for our community as a whole. One of our initiatives is to promote community volunteerism for the underprivileged community members of all ways of life however we believe in providing equity and paying transgender individuals especially ones of color a liveable wage. We focus on helping individuals reach higher altitudes so as a community we can thrive.     
Our organization believes in the power of a chain reaction of love in the community in general, especially in the people of color aesthetic. We often see a great divide in the People of Color TLGBQ+ community that does not have to exist so we focus on building bridges of love. When one of us wins, we all win and together we can pull each other up. When we remove shame for people living as their authentic selves it opens more opportunities for us all to grow.
 We created Thriving Transmen of Color because we saw the need to remove the stigma against a person of color being transgender to show the world we are capable of great things when we work together. We saw the fear, trauma, and barriers used to silence so many of our community members. We saw outsiders who judged us before they could truly see what we are capable of.